MotoGP: Dall’Igna responds to Dovizioso: “I’m sorry when a rider makes such criticisms”

Gigi Dall’Igna has responded to Andrea Dovizioso who opened the flood gates of anger about Ducati blaming Gigi for his issues.

It is clear to see that Andrea Dovizioso has no love for Ducati Corse General Manager Gigi Dall’Igna following on from an explosive interview which can be read here, blaming Gigi for his Ducati departure stating that he was never offered a new Ducati deal and that there were many lies spread about him in a quote from Dovizioso saying, “It was said that I wanted this and that. All lies. There was never an offer, there were no negotiations. I still did not know that they no longer wanted me.”

Dovizioso also claimed in the interview with Gazzetta Della Sport that his relationship with Gigi boiled over after a technical meeting evolved into an all-out war with Gigi leaving feeling rather attacked which prompted him to purposely terminate any further contracts right then and there, this explains Ducati’s attempts to hire Maverick Vinales, Alex Rins, Marc Marquez and various other riders knowing full well they would replace Petrucci with Jack Miller meaning Dovizioso’s seat would have been occupied by one of these failed signings.

Instead of unleashing his words back to Dovizioso and turning this already firey situation into chemical warfare, Gigi has decided to take the professional option and play the situation down, leaving Dovizioso alone to fester in his thoughts whilst Gigi focuses on his new 2021 rider line up which includes three new rookies of Jorge Martin, Luca Marini and Enea Bastianini.

Sky Sports Italia were fortunate enough to speak to Dall’Igna who said, “We evaluated Dovizioso’s interview, it was a very long relationship, the longest in Ducati’s history, but I don’t think the media is the right place to talk about it. We both gave our best to bring home the best possible result. Stories end among professionals. I’m sorry when a rider makes such criticisms, I have many collaborators to manage to make certain decisions. Andrea was an important collaborator, but stories are destined to end and so it was”.

As Gigi so eloquently said, stories have to end – sometimes these stories end on positive notes such as Pol Espargaro’s KTM departure ending with both parties in good spirits maintaining a really good relationship, whereas other stories do not end this way with Dovizioso and Ducati proving this. You cannot win all the time but we hope that both Dovizioso and Dall’Igna can put aside their differences and move on now that they are not working together in a high stress, high-pressure environment.

Source –  Sky Sports Italia

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