MotoGP: Darryn Binder officially confirmed at RNF Racing for 2022

Darryn Binder will leapfrog Moto2 and step into MotoGP for 2022 with the new RNF Racing Team.

After lots of speculation it has been officially confirmed that Darryn Binder will race for the RNF Racing Team for 2022 in MotoGP on a Yamaha M1 alongside Andrea Dovizioso, the team will run as a replacement for the Petronas SRT squad who will cease to exist at the end of 2021 following the departure of the title sponsor Petronas. This move will ensure Binder will remain in the same team under a new name and similar staff.

The move has been and will continue to be criticised given Binder’s Moto3 record not exactly setting the world alight spending seven seasons in the lightweight class achieving just six podiums and one race win in 114 starts with three to go, spending time with prestigious teams including the Red Bull KTM Ajo squad. When you compare this to Jack Miller who also took the leap of faith going from Moto3 into MotoGP in 2015 it really is questionable, the Australian rider racking up 6 wins, 10 podiums and a runner up medal in just 49 Moto3 starts over three seasons.

However, the benefit of the doubt must always be given, the team have clearly seen something in Binder to promote him over strong talents including the rumoured Xavi Vierge, Cameron Beaubier, Garrett Gerloff, Sam Lowes and Jake Dixon. Stranger things have happened, after all Fabio Quartararo is on the verge of a MotoGP title after struggling slightly in Moto3 and Moto2.

We wish Darryn the best of luck, the talent is clearly there as you don’t take Moto3 pole positions, podiums and wins on luck alone! Plus his aggressive riding style is going to be a treat to watch in the premier class battling against his brother!

Lin Jarvis, Managing Director, Yamaha: “I want to give a warm welcome to Darryn. We are delighted that he is joining the Yamaha line-up next year. We’ve had many conversations about who would be a good match for the new RNF MotoGP Team set-up. It’s a fresh start for the Yamaha satellite team and that makes it all the more fitting to have a young and eager rider like Darryn join them, as Fabio and Franky did before him.

“For Yamaha the primary mission of the satellite team is developing future MotoGP talents. Darryn has already shown on numerous occasions what he’s made of in the Moto3 class. We know he is a fast and determined rider who has got what it takes to battle at the front of the pack. Obviously, the step up to MotoGP is significant and will take some adjusting, but we feel that he’s ready, and Yamaha and the RNF MotoGP Team will fully support him for this new and exciting challenge.”

Darryn Binder, RNF Team: “I’m extremely grateful for this opportunity, as it has been a lifelong dream to race in the MotoGP category. I definitely didn’t expect to make the jump straight from Moto3 to the highest class, but I do believe I’m up for the challenge, and I’m ready to put in all the hard work for 2022.

“My target at the beginning will be just to find my feet in the big class and learn as much as possible to get stronger and stronger throughout my rookie season.

“I would like to say a really big ‘Thank you’ to Yamaha and the RNF MotoGP Team for everything they have done to make this possible as well as everyone who has been involved in getting me to this point.

“I’m now just looking forward to riding the Yamaha YZR-M1 for the first time at the end of this season.”

Featured image – Yamaha